Intel Solid-State Drive Toolbox( 固态硬盘检测工具)

Intel Solid-State Drive Toolbox( 固态硬盘检测工具)

V3.5.0 官方中文版

  • 2018-01-26
  • 简体中文
  • 4分
  • 304下载

SSD固态硬盘已经在HTPC 和游戏电脑中得到大量的应用,想检测固态硬盘的损害程度已经不能用原先来的硬盘检测工具来检测了,需要Inte公司出品的Intel Solid-State Drive Toolbox( 固态硬盘检测工具)进行检测,它可以全方位的检测固态硬盘的使用程度和损坏程度。你想检测自己的固态硬盘吗赶紧来下载Intel SSD Toolbox吧~~

SMART 信息中有三个子项目对硬盘健康度是最关键的

“05:Re-allocated Sector Count”:重映射扇区数量。闪存本身有一定的使用寿命(即写入次数),厂商在制造SSD的时候会保留一定的容量,当闪存的某个扇区出现问题之后,SSD内部就自动调用保留容量中的扇区把坏的替换掉(重映射)。“Raw”显示的数值表示重映射的次数,该数值会随着使用而不断增长,只要增长速度没有异常加快就是健康的。

“E8:Avai lable Reserved Space”:可用的预留闪存数量。Intel SSD会保留一些容量来替换坏掉的闪存,这里显示的就是保留容量还剩下多少(百分比),所以这一项最为关键。该项的“Normalized”初始值为“100”,随着使用会不断减小,当它降至“Threshold”的数值“10”时,就表示SSD的使用寿命快到了尽头,用户应尽快转移数据。

“ E9:Media Wearout Indicator”:闪存磨耗指数。闪存写入次数是有限的,当到达一定值的时候就会出现迅速损坏。“Normalized”的初始值为“100”,当减少到“0”时就表示SSD随时可能会坏掉。


第一步:安装好Intel SSD ToolBox后,打开该工具后选择要优化的SSD硬盘,然后点击快速诊断按钮




每次优化都要手动操作太复杂,可不可以自动搞定优化呢?当然可以,不过Intel SSD ToolBox是采用了操作系统计划任务的方式来定时执行优化任务,所以用计划任务方式优化SSD,必须在系统开启计划任务服务,也就是“Task Scheduler”,并且把该服务启动方式设置为自动,如下图:


Intel Solid-State Drive Toolbox 3.5.0 更新日志

This release of the Intel SSD Toolbox includes support for Intel SSD 760p and Pro

7600p Series, the Intel SSD E 6100p Series, and the Intel® SSD DC P4100 Series products.

This release of the tool also contains fixes for the following issues:

Minor fixes to the GUI error outputs for diagnostic scanning and Optimize


Fixes known errors to feature permissions.

Intel Solid-State Drive Toolbox 3.4.5 更新日志

This release of the Intel® SSD Toolbox includes support for the Intel®Optane™ Memory products. When using Intel® Optane™ Memory as asystem accelerator, expect an extra Volume tab in the SSD Toolbox due to accelerator configuration. Also, several features are disabled in Toolbox when system acceleration is configured. Support has also been added for the Intel® Optane™ SSD DC P4800X Series, and the Intel® SSD DC P4600 and P4500 Series.

This release also includes firmware updates for the Intel® SSD DC S3520,750 and Pro 5400s (80/120GB) Series products.

For the Intel® SSD DC S3520 Series, the latest firmware revision is N2010112.For the Intel® SSD 750 Series, the latest firmware revision is 8EV101H0.The latest bootloader revision is 8B1B0133.

This firmware version contains fixes for the following issues:

• XN022 Assert Fixes

• Sequential read performance improvement at end of life from firmware 8EV101F0

• Misc. sightings closure and improvement on product health.For the Intel® SSD Pro 5400s (80/120GB), the latest firmware revision is 36P. For firmware fix details, please see release note from September 2016.