

V2018.0.8.1 特别版

  • 2018-07-02
  • 简体中文
  • 3分
  • 1463下载

PHPMaker是一款PHP代码自动生成工具。它是一款在 Windows 平台上运行的基于 MYSQL 数据库自动生成 PHP 脚本的软件。使用生成的 PHP 代码,你可以通过 WEB 网页对数据库的记录进行浏览、修改、查询、添加和删除。利用它你只需几步就可以得到完整的 PHP 代码。清晰易懂的生成代码,方便开发人员在其基础上二次开发。


PHPMaker 2018 更新日志
New Advanced Settings
PHP (php.exe) path and web server port
Node.js related settings
Use project versioning
Compress project .js – now minify all uncompressed .js in the project
Use jQuery Migrate
Use Microsoft PHP Driver for SQL Server (EXPERIMENTAL only)
File upload related settings
Use password hash – use PHP password hashing functions instead of md5()
Form left column CSS class – specify the width of the left (field caption) column
LDAP options – for ldap_set_option()
Google Sign-In settings
Facebook Login settings

New Server Events
Page_Foot – for Auto-Render Templates
Ldap_Validated – for searching LDAP tree and further validating LDAP users
Menu_Rendered – for cleaning up what you created in Menu_Rendering

Export-to-JSON for use with Ajax
Upload folder supports Amazon S3 buckets
Generate Password / Password Strength for non user tables
F9 and Ctrl+F9 shortcuts for generation
Search box for advanced settings
More field properties for Multiple Field Update
PHP built-in web server as testing server
New “dbvalue” tag for Custom Template
dompdf 0.8.0
PHPMailer 5.2.23
jQuery 3.2.1
jQuery file download
Font Awesome
JsRender, Moment, Colorbox, jQuery File Upload, Timepicker, CKEditor and TinyMCE updated
mobile_detect.php and mobile-detect.js updated
Preview extension supports paging and sorting (registered users only)
PHPExcel and PHPWord updated (registered users only)
Many other minor improvements

PHPMaker 2017/03/02 v2017.0.7

– Add advanced settings for auto-hiding page size selector

– Increase number of recent project files to 10

– Improved: Hide ewGridLowerPanel/ewGridUpperPanel if empty

– Improved: Load tables dynamically

– Improved: Call User_Validated even if user not found

– Improved: Load default settings for TIME fields


– Fixed: Prefix/infix/suffix generated for Custom View Tag files

– Fixed: Email address not URL-encoded in PrepareRegisterEmail()

– Fixed: Dynamic Selection Lists in Master-Add/Edit page if master field not selected in List page

– Fixed: Modal Lookup with parent field in master table

– Fixed: Generation error if generating List/View page only

– Fixed: Page labels with HTML tags

– Fixed: Popup error does not show while in modal dialog

– Fixed: AddBlankRow when Grid-Edit with no records

– Fixed: Not always include ewpdf.css when exporting to PDF

– Fixed: AutoSuggest fields not checked for “Required”

– Fixed: Audit Trail for Cascade Delete

– Updated: ar.json

– Other minor bug fixes and improvements


安装主程序,复制 Cracked 中的文件到安装目录即可
