数据恢复(R-Studio Network Edition)

数据恢复(R-Studio Network Edition)

V 8.8 build 171971 中文免费版

  • 2018-07-24
  • 简体中文
  • 4分
  • 7013下载

R-Studio Network Edition中文免费版是损坏硬盘上资料的救星,是一款功能超强的数据恢复、反删除工具!这个是我们未来软件为您分享的无需注册、无需安装的单文件绿色便携版!程序采用全新恢复技术,它能针对各种不同 版本的Windows操作系统之文件系统都能应付自如。甚至连非Windows系列的Linux操作系统,R-Studio软件也照样能够应付。

而在 Windows NT,Windows2000等操作系统上所使用的NTFS文件系统,R-Stduio亦具有处理的能力,而且R-Studio甚至也能处理NTFS文件 系统的加密与压缩状态,并将发生问题的文件复原。除了本地磁盘以外,R-Studio甚至能透过网络去检测其他电脑上硬盘的状况。且在挽救资料损毁的文件 以外,R-Studio也包括了误删文件的复原能力,让未使用回收站或是已清空回收站的文件,都照样能够找回来。最特别的一点是在标准的磁盘安装方式以 外,R-Studio也能支持RAID磁盘阵列系统。

R-Studio为使用 FAT12/16/32、NTFS、NTFS5(Windows 2000系统)和 Ext2FS(Linux系统)分区的磁盘提供完整数据维护解决方案!同时提供对本地和网络磁盘的支持,此外大量参数设置让高级用户获得最佳恢复效果。 R-Studio新增加的版本增加了RAID重组功能,可以虚拟重组的RAID类型包括,RAID0,RAID5,其中重组RAID5可以支持缺少一块硬 盘。

具体功能有:采用 Windows资源管理器操作界面;通过网络恢复远程数据(远程计算机可运行Win95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP、Linux、UNIX 系统);支持 FAT12/16/32、NTFS、NTFS5 和 Ext2FS文件系统;能够重建损毁的RAID阵列;为磁盘、分区、目录生成镜像文件;恢复删除分区上的文件、加密文件(NTFS 5)、数据流(NTFS、NTFS 5);恢复FDISK或其它磁盘工具删除过得数据、病毒破坏的数据、MBR 破坏后的数据;识别特定文件名;把数据保存到任何磁盘;浏览、编辑文件或磁盘内容等等。


R-Studio 是功能超强的数据恢复、反删除工具,采用全新恢复技术,为使用 FAT12/16/32、NTFS、NTFS5(Windows 2000系统)和 Ext2FS(Linux系统)分区的磁盘提供完整数据维护解决方案!同时提供对本地和网络磁盘的支持,此外大量参数设置让高级用户获得最佳恢复效果。R-Studio新增加的版本增加了RAID重组功能,可以虚拟重组的RAID类型包括,RAID0,RAID5,其中重组RAID5可以支持缺少一块硬盘。
具体功能有:采用 Windows资源管理器操作界面;通过网络恢复远程数据(远程计算机可运行Win95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP、Linux、UNIX 系统);支持 FAT12/16/32、NTFS、NTFS5 和 Ext2FS文件系统;能够重建损毁的RAID阵列;为磁盘、分区、目录生成镜像文件;恢复删除分区上的文件、加密文件(NTFS 5)、数据流(NTFS、NTFS 5);恢复FDISK或其它磁盘工具删除过得数据、病毒破坏的数据、MBR 破坏后的数据;识别特定文件名;把数据保存到任何磁盘;浏览、编辑文件或磁盘内容等等。


1.可对所有主要文件系统进行磁盘恢复,包括 FAT12/16/32/exFAT、NTFS、NTFS5(由 Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008/Win7 创建或更新)、HFS/HFS+ (Macintosh)、Little and Big Endian variants of UFS1/UFS2 (FreeBSD/OpenBSD/NetBSD/Solaris) 以及 Ext2/Ext3/Ext4 FS (Linux)。
8.备份和恢复磁盘成像(本地或通过网络)。图片文件与 R-Drive Image 相互兼容。
9.Bootable R-Studio Emergency (start-up) 版本可安全消除任何数据存储设备(硬盘、闪存驱动器、外部驱动器等),以实现重用、处理或转移;甚至对不能启动的计算机也有效。
10.通过本地局域网 (LAN) 或互联网进行磁盘恢复。
11.专业 RAID(磁盘阵列)恢复特性,能匹敌或超过具有竞争力的独立式阵列恢复产品。
12.高级文本/十六进制编辑器可支持不同数据模式,如引导记录、主文件表 (MFT) 等。这类模式可能采取自定义创建。


默认是英文界面,不过别怕,大家可以点击菜单中的Help,然后选择Interfere Language菜单,在弹出的语言选择中选择简体中文。


R-Studio 8.8.171971 Wed Jul 23, 2018
– The same text with a different letter case may have been converted to the initial in the Find/Mark dialog box. For example, if the first search was for Alex* and the second one for ALEX*, the latter may have been automatically converted to Alex*. Fixed.
– File mark in a marked folder using the Look in From current folder / Current folder options may have worked incorrectly. Fixed.
– Request to save changes was always thrown in the Edit User’s File Types window even when all changes had been canceled. Fixed.
– Mark/Unmark commands may have worked incorrectly for an empty folder selected in the Folders pane. Fixed.
– When file icons were selected, R-Viewer’s icon may have sometimes appeared in the task bar. Fixed.
– Several cosmetic bugs have been fixed.

R-Studio 8.8.171951 Wed Jul 11, 2018
New features:
+ A completely overhauled file previewer which can now show picture tiles and first frames of video files as icons, and supports a large number of video/audio/graphic/document file formats. These files can now be played back without their respective applications installed.

* Processing of APFS file systems has been improved.

– File enumeration on huge APFS file systems may have been slow. Fixed.
– Non-resident symlinks may have been parsed incorrectly on NTFS file systems. Fixed.
– The program may have crashed when an advanced mask was used. Fixed.
– The Parents tab may have disappeared when an rdr-compatible image was added to a virtual RAID. Fixed.

R-Studio 8.5 build 170237  更新日志


– Corrections in several language localizations.

– Some cosmetic bugs have been fixed.

R-Studio 8.5 build 170237  更新日志


– Corrections in several language localizations.

– Some cosmetic bugs have been fixed.

R-Studio 8.5 build 170117  更新日志


– Corrections in several language localizations.

– Some cosmetic bugs have been fixed.

R-Studio 8.5 build 170097  更新日志

New features:

+ Support for Windows Storage Spaces created by Windows Fall Creators Update has been added.

+ Components management for various disk and volume managers (LVM, LDM, WSS, AppleRAID, etc.) has been added.

+ Compressed images (the R-Drive Image type, .rdi) can now be mounted as virtual disks to make them accessible for other software.

+ Drive auto-refresh can now be enabled/disabled. This feature is useful when a failing drive is connected.


* Processing speed of the NTFS file system has been increased.

* Processing of NTFS $BitMap file has been improved.


– Local time zones were not taken into account when comparing file time stamps. Fixed.

– File viewer didn’t change its language when the language had been changed in R-Studio. Fixed.

– Dependent file types were selected incorrectly. Fixed.

– Files from transacted NTFS systems may have recovered incorrectly. Fixed.

– The Mark command on the Tools menu may have become inactive after manual unmarking. Fixed.

– During program closure removable devices may have been blocked until the process had been finished. Fixed.

– During startup R-Studio requested IDE info from USB disks which resulted in a long delay. Fixed.

– Check for update may have worked incorrectly. Fixed.

– The “Select All” button on the Known File Types tab may have worked incorrectly. Fixed.

– When recovering files from a remote computer, the Recover Marked command recovered not only marked files in their folder, but all files in all folders up to the device root. Fixed.

– Sometimes folder/file tree on the HFS+ file system may have been re-constructed incorrectly. Fixed.

– Several cosmetic bugs have been fixed.

R-Studio 8.3 build 169775  更新日志


* Improved processing of NTFS and FAT/exFAT partitions


– R-Studio asked the user if the hidden and/or system file attributes should be removed when such files are set to not be shown in the system. Now this question is always asked regardless of those settings.

– The View/Edit shortcut command was enabled for the file type folders in the Raw Files section. Fixed.

– Log message filtering worked incorrectly. Fixed.

– Changes in the Advanced section of the Find/Mark dialog box were saved even this section was disabled. Fixed.

– When recovered files with the same access time were saved to a disk with another file system with a different time accuracy, this difference was not taken into account. Fixed.

– Long text strings might be truncated in the Log pane and some dialog boxes. Fixed.

– The number of files shown in the “Total files searched” field might be incorrect. Fixed.

– Excessive files might be marked in Extra Found Files. Fixed.

– The File Mask dialog box didn’t store mask history. Fixed.

– The Show files command for Raw files was disabled in the Text/hexadecimal editor. Fixed.

– A removed object (a deleted virtual RAID or disconnected USB drive) might remain opened in the Text/hexadecimal editor. Fixed.

– The Text/hexadecimal editor remained opened when R-Studio was closed. Fixed.

R-Studio 8.3 build 168075  更新日志


– Several bugs that might result in program crashes are fixed.
