


  • 2018-08-16
  • 简体中文
  • 5分
  • 611下载




EssentialPIM 将数据存储在一个安全,快速且可伸缩的数据库内。其可交叉链接,轻松搜索。


您的数据可与所有流行的云解决方案同步,例如 Google 日历 / 联系人 / 任务 / 驱动器, iCloud,Toodledo,SyncML,CalDav 以及更多更多。同时也原生支持 Dropbox。


EPIM 项目可相互引用以便于在相关元素之间快速导航。完全标签化功能允许标签不同的项目并视相关的项目为单个工程。


您的数据是使用高级的工业标准 AES(Rijndael)256-位 密匙加密的。您可精细设置访问单独的模块。提供通过 SSL 加密与云端服务同步 – 使用与网上银行相同的数据传送保护技术。





EssentialPIM  V 8.03更新日志


New in EssentialPIM 8.0 更新日志

It is now possible to delete any EssentialPIM item (appointment/contact/password entry, etc.) while having it open*

Tags explorer is a new powerful way to see all items that are tagged*

Search inside notes of each item (Ctrl+F)*

Copy text from read-only records*

Appointments/tasks templates can be renamed*

Week Agenda scrolling by a single day is added*

New info for contacts: Last contacted (received)/Last contacted (sent) picked up from email*

Create new tasks straight from Calendar*

Proper synchronization of deleted events in recurring series with Google Calendar*

Ability to select parent items when creating tasks and notes via shortcuts*

Style management improvements in Notes*

Improved conversion of email messages into other EPIM items (appointments, tasks, notes)*

Edit “Location” field

Add current date to most printouts from EssentialPIM

Copy, paste, cut commands added to toolbar in Notes

In Week/Week Agenda/Month/Year view now it is possible to manually drag events to place them in your custom order

Rule creation in Mail is made simpler right-click on a folder and select “Create Rule for Folder”

Setup individual SMTP servers for identities

Select custom sound for new mail

EssentialPIM’s own adaptive anti-spam filter

Long-awaited advanced features to work with tables in Notes

Heavy improvements to Find and Replace dialog in Notes

Add custom fields for password entries

Create additional fields for the “Address” section in Contacts

Better display of recurring appointments in advanced search results

Better handling of attachments in mail

Better sorting of email messages (Re, Fw not taken into account)

On printing emails, a list of attachments is added

It is possible to insert links in email using right-click context menu

Month view easier viewing of all events for a day

New shortcuts to mark mail as Read/Unread, Synchronize All

Improved drag and drop of items in between the folders in many cases

Better search in most modules

Tag storage is moved into *.epim database (as opposed to storing it in *.ini files)

Improvements to modifying shortcuts

Numerous other improvements in all modules

New in EssentialPIM 7.62 更新日志

Many improvements regarding how EssentialPIM looks like on high resolution displays

Much faster synchronization with Android EPIM (especially noticeable if you synchronize attachments)

Ability to copy only a part of the email address in preview

EPIM will now check if there’s similar shortcuts in use when setting up new ones in options

Improved import from Outlook and synchronization with

Sync speed optimizations and sync algorithm improvements for EPIM Cloud

Improved drag and drop support of recurring events in calendar

More intuitive handling of fields in contacts

Changes in email signatures will now be reflected immediately

Minor improvements about how reminders are handled (now similarly to Android EPIM)

Couple of calendar printing improvements

Tags field can be switched on/off in any module

Fully functional PGP key management feature in mail

Unicode text in iCal (.ics) files is fully supported now

Other bug fixes and improvements

New in EssentialPIM 7.53 更新日志 

Many optimizations and improvements in synchronization with EPIM Cloud

Ability to simultaneously open mail templates multiple times

Synchronization with iPhone and iPad devices is improved

Fixed couple of issues related to synchronization with Google services and

Better integration with Dropbox, speed improvements

CSV export now works as expected for contacts

Smoother integration of the drag and drop feature for attachments in notes

Improved the “Leave message on the server” option for POP3 mail accounts

Changing a note’s properties to “read only” will not alter its contents

Moving mail messages in between folders works correctly now even with applied filters

Improved import of tasks into EPIM from iCal (ics) files

Some other minor bugfixes and updates


EssentialPIM 是一套非常不错的个人时间日程安排软件,它具有相当方便的操作接口,让使用者能够对于所排定的行程一目了然,而每一个事件也都允许使用者进行夹档,让你可以把例如会议结果、计划案等数据附带于该记录中。