


  • 2017-09-19
  • 简体中文
  • 3分
  • 142下载








5、带有回收站。万一你的便签被不小心删除了,那么随时可以在系统托盘图标-右键菜单-control panel中恢复回来。


PNotes.NET 更新日志

New features:

Added options to switch between Ignore/Match case in Control Panel’s Quick Search (suggested by Andre Werner)

Added option to store undelivered notes on local network server when recipient’s computer is switched off or PNotes.NET is not running (experimental). In order to be able to do that you should download and install PNExchangeService on one of your local network’s computers and configure settings at Preferences → Network

Added option to set user-defined first day of week instead of day defined by program’s UI language (Preferences → Schedule) (suggested by Leopoldus)

Added auto switch to right-to-left UI direction when user change UI language to one of right-to-left languages (Hebrew, Arabic etc)

Fixed bugs:

Exception is thrown while saving note, if backup copies deepness is set to value more than 9 (discovered by Paul Beutel)

PNotes.NET 3.4 更新日志

New features:

Lower panel at Preferences dialog, which include some asterisk (*) warnings, hides scrollable parts of window – removed and since now settings with asterisk will show warning tooltip (suggested by Timor Gruber)

“Apply” button at Preferences dialog will change its IsEnable state dynamically, according to changes in settings (suggested by Timor Gruber)

Return to default settings at Preferences dialog will include (optional) default settings for groups

When program starts for the very first time (without previous installations) new note will appear on user’s screen with brief description of the program (suggested by Timor Gruber)

Special groups at Control Panel will be sorted alphabetically

Added filter to system voices in order to prevent using of disabled voices

Fixed bugs:

Exception is thrown when user select notes group at Preferences dialog

Preview for notes group is not drawn properly at Preferences dialog

Skins are scaled incorrectly on high-density monitors with large DPI

When user empties notes Panel and then move one or more notes to Panel again – notes thumbnails animation on Panel works incorrectly

Function “Centralize” at Control Panel works incorrectly on high-density monitors with large DPI


注意:该软件需要 .NET Framework 4.0 才能正常运行,使用前请确认自己电脑是否安装 .NET Framework 4.0。点击下载 .NET Framework 4.0
