GoodSync Enterprise(文件同步工具) 64位

GoodSync Enterprise(文件同步工具) 64位


  • 2018-08-01
  • 简体中文
  • 3分
  • 1284下载

GoodSync Enterprise(文件同步工具)是一款非常专业的数据文件同步转换工具,它能自动分析电脑或者U盘中重要的数据、图片、照片、联系人和重要的文件夹进行自动备份。它能将两台电脑或者电脑和U盘之间的同步转换,有了GoodSync Enterprise(文件同步工具)软件,在也不用当心你的照片、MPS、联系人丢失后要重新来过。


本地文件同步、windows网上邻居同步、FTP同步、WebDAV同步、Amazon S3同步、sFTP同步 winMobile同步。

GoodSync的自动同步和备份电子邮件,照片,财务文件,MP3和所有其他重要文件之间的台式机,笔记本电脑,外部驱动器,FTP,安全FTP,WebDAV的,Amazon S3的服务器和Windows Mobile设备。





GoodSync 9直接连接多台计算机,完全绕开了需要基于云的解决方案。







自动同步和备份您的重要文件之间的台式机,笔记本电脑,服务器和外部驱动器通过网络或互联网。 用创新的同步算法-GoodSync文件同步软件是今后几年的包时,文件同步。


让您的文件备份和最新的一次点击,消除信息混乱,而且最重要的开始享受您的安心 ,知道您的财务文件,工作文件,电子邮件,联系人,照片时, iTunes , MP3和其他数据同步和备份。


无论是台式电脑、便携笔记本、网络服务器还是外置驱动设备,无论是通过局域网络还是互联网络,只要是你的重要文件,都可以自动同步和备份。通过使用创新性的同步算法 —— GoodSync 将在未来数年中成为同步领域的领先者。




GoodSync Version 10.9.4 更新日志

* Gs2Go Installer: Fixed Language settings was reset to English on every install.

* Gs2Go Installer: Do not stop or start GsServer and other services in Gs2Go installer.

* Gs2Go: Use lang.opt file in Profile folder to store Language setting, not registry.

* Installer: Keep installer window Topmost, so that it does not get lost.

* Gs2Go: Implement separate AutoUpdate for Gs2Go, which downloads its own distribution.

* Gs2Go: Implement AutoInstall + AutoUpdate for Gs2Go, run non-elevated.

GoodSync Version 10.9.3 更新日志

* Installer: New Installer for ver 10 that does not use NSIS.

* Installer: GoodSync2Go: Do not allow installing to System Disk (C:).

* Installer: CC Runner: Request Company Id, PIN, etc in non-silent mode.

* Installer: transaction-based file update that does not delete old program files.

* Installer: Ver 9: freeze ver 9, stop producing releases, except for major fixes.

* Installer: Localization: do our own localization, based on *.rfs files.

* Installer: Logs: When in System Account (MSI), write logs to C:/Program Data/GoodSync.

* Mega FS: Added Mega file system (Beta), with mega:// prefix.

* Export TIX: Fixed copy of Accounts was not saved to TIX file on Export.

* GSTP: Added enforcement of Email and Name length limits, when creating account.

* sib-lib: Turn On /O2 optimization in all libraries.

* gs-server: Do not require file:// prefix in Home Folders URL.

* gs-server: Allow Home Folders and Folder Grants to be combined.

* gs-server: Add New User: Remove GsConnect/LocalUser options, it is defined by server type.

* Quota File Sys: fixed several issues in disk space usage computation.

* Quotas: Implemented disk quota for granted folders.

* Forwarder + Receiver: Fixed virt-comp was not passed if Session is initiated via PickupSessions.

* Mediator Web UI: Added page to Request Storage.

* Mediator Web UI: Break User Account presentation into several tabs.

GoodSync Version 10.9.1 更新日志

* Disk Free Space: show it in Explorer and Browse dialog for all file systems that have it.

* Sharing: Added chaining of Folder Grants: (A grants to B) + (B grants to C) -> (A grants to C).

* Sharing: Granted Computer now assumes UserId of Grantee user, not that of Grantor user, as before.

* gs-server and forwarders: Fixed passing of Delegated Auth flag.

* gs-server: Added flag DirectOnly to settings.tix. If Yes, it declares that it needs no Forwarders.

* gs-server: Added flag GrantsOnly to settings.tix. If Yes, server rejects all non-grant folders.

* gs-server: Fixed /set-admin, /set-user and /del-user commands: load settings before them.

* MS Graph OneDrive/Office: Fixed OAuth2 token endpoints for regional clouds.

* Fixed vulnerability where GoodSync can load malicous DLL from its program folder.

* Moved European Forwarder to bigger server in Amsterdam.

* Added GDPR clause to Privacy Policy, added GDPR page to web site.

* Linux .run installer: Fixed profile owner when configuring gs-server daemon to run under limited user.

* Gs-Server for Synology NAS: Better integration with DSM UI, according to DSM standards.

GoodSync Version 10.9.0 更新日志

* Gs-Server: get rid of internal file:// in URL pointing to gs-server, so that gstp://comp.user.goodsync/file:///disk/folder becomes gstp://comp.user.goodsync/disk/folder

* Browse Dlg: Fixed checking for GSTP computer being local, when GS offers to change to Local FS.

* Browse Dlg + Side Options: Fixed Side Options do not change when sync folder changes in Browse dlg.

* Side Options: Allow turning Off Use Temp Files option for Local FS, as in rare cases it may not have MoveFile.

* Do not Delete Dest file on Direct Upload only when both RecycleBin and History are turned off.

* Sync Scripts: Do not Call Script / Send Email after Analyze that ended with Wait for User.

* Windows FS + SMB: Fixed resolution of SMB paths that are used in Local FS.

* Amazon CD: Retry on Error 502 Bad Gateway, returned by ACD server.

* Encrypted FS: Implemeted GetFileOwner(), GetFileOwnerACL(), SetFileOwnerACL().

* TLS/SSL: updated list of valid root certificates and Certificate Authorities.

* Gs-Server Web UI: Fixed logout did not cause forgetting credentials in the browser.

GoodSync Version 10.8.5 更新日志

* MS Graph: many changes in browsing, show all Sites and Drives.

* MS Graph: Acquire Group.Read.All and Sites.ReadWrite.All permissions, to see Sites.

* MS Graph: Add icon and description, fixed several bugs.

* S3: V4 auth: Escape : and * too, or we get signature errors.

* GoodSync2Go: Fixed GoodSync2Go.bat file did not start EXE on 32-bit system.

* File Monitoring: Do Monitoring only for Local/LocalNet file systems, not for remote non-monitor systems.

* Device ID: fixed corrupted device id sent for non-latin computer names.

* Thousands Separator: Fixed adding , or . separator in case of non-standard Number Format.

* Crash Catcher: Do not report exception that we caught, if we could not walk the stack.

* gsync and other console apps: Make them show foreign characters.

* Filters: fixed bugs in handling Absolute Include filters.

* CC Runner: Do not log sensitive info, such as passwords.

* gscp: Add handling of /profile= and logging command line options.

GoodSync Version 10.8.3 更新日志

* Backblaze B2: fixed progress indication in upload of large files.

* Amazon S3: Now always use V4 auth (AWS4-HMAC-SHA256) headers.

* S3: Us Govt Cloud: Always use region us-gov-west-1 for it.

* Deduplication + GSTP: Fixed download of dedup file from GSTP was showing it of zero size.

* GoodSync2Go: Added 64-bit EXEs to files installed by GS2GO installer.

* GoodSync2Go: Store DeviceID in Profile/deviceid.tix on GS2Go disk.

* GoodSync2Go: improve folder structure, have only file GoodSync2Go.bat at the top that runs 32-bit or 64-bit.

* gs-server: Fixed Unique Server Id was not set sometimes, when gs-server started.

* gs-server: Improve startup and restart sequence.

* gsync: Get /profile= option before other options, so that commands are applied to the specified profile.

* LogViewer: improve init sequence, write logs of LogViewer to log folder.

* Visual Sync Tree: Add File To Sync tree view that shows unsynced files, update it during Sync.

* Visual Sync Tree: Changes View shows Proposed Changes, that do not change as Sync progresses.

* Visual Sync Tree + AutoSync: Do not drop the tree after AutoSync finishes.

GoodSync Version 10.8.0 更新日志

* Multiple Workers in SyncLib: Fixed crashes, caused by insufficient locking of Job Progress.

* On File Change: Fixed rare crashes when *.tmp file was encountered and deleted.

* Rewrote Crash Catcher, to catch more real crashes and fewer unrelated crashes.

* Optimization: Turned Off /O2 optimization in SyncLib And GsFileSys, as it prevents crash analysis.

* Generate SyncOp instead of New File Conflict, if non-intersecting L and R gen lists are far apart time-wise.

* On File Change: make Job wait 30 sec between Analyze and Sync, if Errors or Conflicts were detected.

* On File Change: make Job wait 30 sec after Sync, if User Stop was detected.

* Sync Tree Toolbar: Fixed Item counts were not updated when new tree is built by Analyze.

* Upload Jobs: Fixed Command Line errors in uploading jobs.

GoodSync Version 10.7.9 更新日志

* Google Drive: Introduce Quick Mode, used in Browse, so that Cache is initialized only in Analyze.

* Google Drive: Keep backup of disk cache file, use backup file in case primary file is damaged.

* Google Drive: do not send redirect_uri when refreshing Access Token, or else we get Error 400.

* Rewrite listings to use marker pagination instead of offset pagination.

* Skip over web_link items, they are not files or folders anyway.

* OAuth2 File Systems: retry connections on OAuth2 token refresh, to fix connection errors.

* On File Change: stop file upload when it has been change on source side.

* Progress: Reset Job Bytes and other progress items when Incremental Sync starts.

* SyncLib: Fixed file deletion was possible in GSTP jobs, when connection was lost during Analyze.

* gs-server: Make Mediator reg attempts more aggressive when Discovery starts.

* Proxy in Sockets: Fixed If Proxy Auto/Manual is Off, sometimes it was used if Proxy Host/Port were set.

* Gs-Server and Gs-Runner services were not reacting to Sleep, now they suspend when going to Sleep.

* Added command: Tools -> Upload Jobs to Control Center.

* Program Options -> Security: Added option: Accounts Encryption Password.

* CC Runner Installer: Added CL option for Accounts Encryption Password.

* CC Runner Installer: Added CL options for Mini Progress and Allow User To Exit.

* CC Runner: Added reaction to: Sleep, Wakeup, Logoff (End Session), WMI messages.

GoodSync Version 10.7.6 更新日志

* GoodSync Licenses: renamed ‘Enteprise Server’ to ‘For Server OS’.

* GoodSync Licenses: renamed ‘Pro (Fixed)’ to ‘Personal’.

* Browse Dialog, Multi-Select: Fixed opening unchecked folder could cause checking it and parents.

* WinFileSys + SMB: process deduplicated links, for which DeviceIoControl returns error 4390.

* Dropbox: Implemented download in blocks, this improves download of large files.

* Runners: Make their instance mutex names unique per profile, not per authed Windows User.

* gs-server: Fixed logs stopped writing after server-initiated restart.

* Fixed AuthCode Activation did not work.

* gsync command line: Fixed job-delete was not working.

* GoodSync.exe command line: Allow window size options to be combined with job commands.

* Command Line: Fixed Connectoid Options were not always making it into Jobs.

* Command Line: ReAdded optins /exit and /exit-ifok, to be used in GoodSync GUI only.

* Fixed GoodSync MSI Installer shows warning on Windows Server.

GoodSync Version 10.7.0 更新日志

* GSTP Sharing: Enable Sharing of Folder on Mediator: now Folders can be shared with other GoodSync users.

* GSTP Sharing: For now Sharing of Folder is done only in GoodSync Connect account Web GUI.

* GSTP Mediator: Remove Talkback processing, as it is 2 years old, so only really GS versions use it.

* Passwords: Add option Save Connect Passwords Locally Encrypted, it makes them non-portable, more secure.

* Program Options: Added Security tab, for the option above and CC admin credentials.

* Account Manager + OAuth2: new scheme of storing tokens and getting auth via Browser.

* OAuth2: maintain Refresh and Access Token in a separate cache, not to change Accounts.

* Office365/SharePoint: increase initial backoff timeout to 15 sec, on error 429.

* TeamSites/SiteRoot/SharePoint: Forbid # % characters in paths as it causes error 400 on uploads.

* Browse Dlg + Multi-Select + Links: fix handling of Links in Drilled and CopyAsIs job modes.

* Import: Fixed Import of a single job could destroy unnamed bookmarks, thus damaging other jobs.

* Reading Accounts and Jobs: Fixed recovery of broken Jobs file (with no Accounts file) causing problems.

* Explorer: do not allow any file/folder actions while folder is being listed.

* CheckSums: store CheckSum type, as relying on CheckSum size for typing does not always work.

* Updated Polish localization.

GoodSync Version 10.6.2 更新日志

* Runner: Fix worker thread closing sequence, it could cause rare crashes.

* On Schedule: When Hour=NN is specified and Minute=0 is not specified, add Minute=0 automatically.

* On File Change + Stop: When User stops an OFC job, do not stop File Monitoring.

* Auto Jobs + Stop: Stop of one AutoRun job now does not reset Waiting To Run Status for all jobs.

* gs-server settings: save changed file upon generation of Device ID, even if original file was not present.

* OneDrive of MS: Fix SiteRoot uploads of files with ‘ in filename was not working.

* Gs-Server: Add One Time Passowrd support in Web UI Setup for NAS.

GoodSync Version 10.5.6 更新日志

* Explorer: Fixed when clicking folder with ftps:// URL, it becomes ftp:// URL. 

* OneDrive: Fixed ‘Unsupported security token’ error. 

* Azure: Fixed sometimes assigning check-sums to a wrong file, due to parsing error. 

* Browse Dlg: If two or more folders do not exist in Job side path, do not allow clicking them all. 

* Control Center Upload: Fixed quote-screening issue that cause errors in names with quotes. 

* CC Runner: Fix lockup of Runner after job was renamed in Control Center. 

* Filters Pane: Sort filters lexicographically. 

* Job Options/Program Options: Place Include filters above Exclude filters, to match order of execution. 

* Job Tree Toolbar counters: rewrite to keep live counters correctly updated.


对于数据、照片、联系人的丢失会让人很生气,辛辛苦苦的弄起来的丢了心会很痛,但是你只要下载GoodSync Enterprise(文件同步工具)即可轻松让你摆脱数据丢失的可能!