Axure RP Pro(原型设计工具)

Axure RP Pro(原型设计工具)

V8.1.0 Build 3377 中文汉化版

  • 2018-06-22
  • 简体中文
  • 5分
  • 6608下载

axure rp破解 是一款辅助产品设计,网页原型设计的工具.axure rp 8 就是一款这样的软件,axure rp 能够快速创建应用软件或Web网站的线框图、原型和规格说明文档的设计工具.相信很多朋友都需要axure rp软件,本站独家提供 axure rp 8.0 注册码,需要这款软件的用户快来下载 axure rp中文版,因外本站还提供 axure rp教程,axure rp破解!






3.接着把“Axure_RP_8 CHS_Patch”移至软件跟目录.(如下图)

4.打开“Axure_RP_8 CHS_Patch”点击开始.(如下图)



Axure RP Pro 8 中文汉化版是美国 Axure Software Solution 公司旗舰产品,Axure RP Pro 8 中文版是一个专业的快速原型设计工具,让负责定义需求和规格、设计功能和界面的专家能够快速创建应用软件或Web网站的线框图、流程图、原型和规格说明文档。Axure RP Pro 8 汉化版作为专业的原型设计工具,它能快速、高效的创建原型,同时支持多人协作设计和版本控制管理。

Axure RP  Pro 8 中文版已被一些大公司采用。Axure RP 8 的使用者主要包括商业分析师、信息架构师、可用性专家、产品经理、IT咨询师、用户体验设计师、交互设计师、界面设计师等,另外,架构师、程序开发工程师也在使用 Axure。

Axure RP Pro 8 中文版的可视化工作环境可以让你轻松快捷的以鼠标的方式创建带有注释的线框图。不用进行编程,就可以在线框图上定义简单连接和高级交互。在线框图的基础上,可以自动生成 HTML(标准通用标记语言下的一个应用)原型和 Word 格式的规格。






点击面板工具栏上的“Add Child Page”按钮可以添加一个页面,点击 “Delete Page” 按钮可以删除一个页面。右键单击选择“Rename Page”菜单项可对页面进行重命名。








添加控件后,在线框图中点选该控件,然后可以拖拉移动控件和改变控件的大小,还可以一次同时对多个控件进行选择、移动、改变尺寸。另外,还可以组合、排序、对齐、分配和锁定控件。这些操作可通过控件右键菜单中进行,也可在Object 工具栏上的按钮进行。









在线框图中选择控件,然后在控件注释和交互(Annotations and Interactions)面板中编辑字段中的值,即可为控件添加注释。面板顶部的 Label 字段是为控件添加一个标识符。


通过主菜单Wireframe->CustomizeAnnotation Fields and Views 或点击面板上Annotations 头部的“CustommizeFields and Views” 然后在弹出的 CustommizeFields and , Views对话框中可以添加、删除、修改、排序注释字段。






在线框图下面的Page notes 面板中可以添加页面备注内容。





控件交互面板用于定义线框图中控件的行为,包含定义简单的链接和复杂的RIA 行为,所定义的交互都可以在将来生成的原型中进行操作执行。

在控件交互面板中可以定义控件的交互,交互事件(Events) 、场景( Cases)和动作(Actions)组成:

用户操作界面时就会触发事件,如鼠标的 OnClick、OnMouseEnter 和 OnMouseOut;






2.然后,控件交互面板中鼠标双击“OnClick”这个事件,这时会出现“Interaction Case Properties”对话窗,在这个对话框中可以选择要执行的动作;

3.在“Step 2”中,勾选“Open Link in Current Window”动作。

4.在“Step 3”中,点击“Link”,在弹出的Link Properties 对话框中可以选择要链接 的页面或其它网页地址 。

除了上面的步骤,加入一个链接的最快的方法是单击控件交互面板顶部的“QuickLink” ,在弹出的 Link Properties 对话框中选择要链接的页面。


除了简单的链接之外,Axure还提供了许多丰富的动作,这些动作可以在任何触发事件的场景中执行。以下是 Axure所支持的动作:

Open Link in Current Window:在当前窗口打开一个页面

Open Link in Popup Window:在弹出的窗口中打开一个页面

Open Link in Parent Window:在父窗口中打开一个页面

Close Current Window:关闭当前窗口

Open Link in Frame:在框架中打开一个页面

Set Panel state(s) to State(s):为动态面板设定要显示的状态

Show Panel(s):显示动态面板

Hide Panel(s):隐藏动态面板

Toggle Visibility for Panel(s):切换动态面板的显示状态(显示/隐藏)

Move Panel(s):根据绝对坐标或相对坐标来移动动态面板

Set Variable and Widget value(s) equal to Value(s):设定变量值或控件值

Open Link in Parent Frame:在父页面的嵌框架中打开一个页面

Scroll to Image Map Region:滚动页面到

Image Map 所在位置

Enable Widget(s):把对象状态变成可用状态

Disable Widget(s):把对象状态变成不可用状态

Wait Time(s):等待多少毫秒(ms)后再进行这个动作






页面 OnPageLoad事件在页面备注面板中的Interactions 子面板中定义, OnPageLoad为事件添加场景的方式与控件事件相同











Axure RP Pro Version 更新日志
– Added link to previously generated Axure Share project
– Added link to auto generated Axure Share Team projects
– Fixed some memory issues
– Fixed occasional dead click on macOS 10.13
– Fixed authentication for proxies requiring credentials on Mac
– Fixed launching Edge browser after Generate HTML Files
– Fixed showing new pages in “checked out by me” team filter
– Fixed freeze starting some text edits
– Fixed inconsistent clicking on border width and line style buttons
– Fixed occasional error navigating to pages with complex Snapshot structures
– Fixed possible error after pan/zoom on Snapshot
– Fixed turning overridden Bold off through text edit
– Fixed error undoing a deleted Master convert
– Fixed error from previewing multiple instances of Master in same Group
– Fixed error tabbing with only hidden from view Widgets
– Fixed error undoing resize of locked Custom Shape
– Fixed error sizing down stacked rectangle with corner radius
– Fixed print to PDF on Windows with altered images
– Fixed error printing with no selected pages
– Fixed some issues from text links in bad states
– Fixed conversion of left speech bubble from earlier versions
– Fixed Placeholder clipping
– Fixed error from Shapes imported from Sketch
– Fixed issues with Regenerate Current Page to HTML
– Fixed location in Preview after multiple nudges
– Fixed some line spacing in HTML
– Fixed single key press on empty password textbox with hint style
– Fixed parsing some HTML in certain set text actions
– Fixed footnote location on Text Links in HTML
– Fixed issue with images in IxStyles in Repeaters in HTML
– Reverted fix normalizing fonts to multiples of 100 for HTML
– Reverted a fix for slow image loading with color profiles (caused other issues)
– Fixed some issues logging into accounts (Enterprise)
– Avoid 417 Expectation Failed for Enterprise servers
– Fixed some HTML generation errors
– Fixed some errors from legacy files
– Fixed some common minor bug reports from edits
– Many minor UI fixes

Axure RP Pro Version 更新日志
– Updated Icon library and added categories
– Fixed macOS 10.13 multiple dock icons
– Fixed macOS 10.13 shift scrolling

– Fixed some issues with proxy and startup
– Fixed duplicating a Panel State containing a Repeater
– Fixed error opening Widget Style Manager with no pages open
– Fixed some AVs not matching from imported libraries
– Fixed some issues converting SVG to shape
– Fixed some shapes copied from Sketch incorrectly combining
– Fixed adding and loading bullets on blank text
– Fixed error resizing table with Text Link
– Fixed error from ‘\n’ somehow getting into a Text Link
– Fixed Toggle Left/Right toolbar buttons when in overflow
– Fixed an error generating Spec with legacy DPs
– Fixed pen tool potentially overwriting Shape style
– Fixes for Font Weight on Mac
– Fixes for live editing previews

– Fixed some images not rendering in the HTML
– Fixed error pushing some edge combinations of Widgets in HTML
– Fixed js error enabling a Group with Unplaced Widgets in HTML
– Fixed alignment of Checkbox and Radio Button in HTML
– Fixed selected styling of Widgets in Repeaters in HTML
– Fixed issues with images in Repeaters
– Fixed autosizing in non-refreshed Repeaters
– Fixed some improper wrapping in Tree Widgets

Axure RP Pro Version 更新日志

– Bug Fixes

– Optimized editing, adding, moving Widgets

– Optimized rendering and invalidation

– Optimized selection

– Optimized switching to Axure

– Optimized large tables

– Optimized generated HTML

– Convert SVGs into Shapes

– Previewing area selection

– Made Mac scrolling smoother

– Show Guide locations in Ruler

– Fixed macOS 10.12 Touch Bar error waking from sleep

– Fixed a crash on specific Windows machines using dropper to select text color

– Fixed an occasional crash waking on PC with multiple instances open

– Fixed issue with ‘~’ in email address for logins

– Fixed issues pasting from new Adobe Illustrator versions

– Fixed text caret rendering in Feedback dialog

– Fixed error dragging image with special characters in name

– Fixed “Fit diagram to single sheet” print option on PC

– Fixed printing with margins cutting elements

– Fixed invalidation issues previewing/editing shadows

– Fixed scrolling after renaming page or Master

– Fixed error adding state to collapsed Dynamic Panel

– Fixed error with missing Master from legacy files

– Fixed pixel shifts from legacy files

– Fixed Widgets not updating size after using “Replace All”

– Fixed undo after switching Inspector tabs

– Fixed extreme lag choosing color dropper on some Win setups

– Fixed reverting styling when clicking in front of text

– Fixed style overriding when hitting Enter to select new style

– Fixed style when copying Widget from an Adaptive View

– Fixed resizing issues on tables, menus and trees

– Fixed not allowing adding variables in team

– Fixed Repeater OnItemLoad when exporting to image

– Fixed bad image paths on Repeaters with many images

– Fixed more legacy, loading and generating errors

– Fixed reusing logo image in pages of the file

– Fixed scroll to Widget in DP shown with animation

– Fixed OnFocus firing multiple times when moving Widget in Group

– Fixed double spacing when using .replace

– Fixed text with multiple alignments on paragraphs

– Fixed Repeater border/padding on size changes (FF/IE)

– Fixed OnMouseEnter moving Widget in Group firing multiple times (Edge)

– Many more generated HTML fixes

– Custom Shape fixes (errors, editing, rendering, break apart, bracket, shadow, rotation)

– Connector fixes (naming, editing, arrows, editing, hidden, editing points)

– Group fixes (Ix, slide, resize, empty, delete, undo, paste styling)

– Dynamic Panel fixes (repeater, master, pinned, is over area, order, background)

– Repeater fixes (rendering, editing, radio, group, push/pull, Ix, variables, OnItemLoad)

– Snapshot fixes (Repeater, DPs, Masters, fire event, hide, AV)

– Ix fixes (animation, conditions, fire event, this.text, Group)

Axure RP Pro V8.0.0.3302 

- Optimized Repeater heavy files

- Optimized Group heavy files

- Optimized Sketchy

- Optimized Connectors

- Optimized Team Project updates

- Optimized Grid and Background

- Optimized Dots and Dashes

- Optimized Adaptive View switching

- Optimized selecting and adding Widgets

- Optimized rich text rendering (minor)

- Allow upgrading Team Projects from earlier versions

- Smarter connector editing

- Made object and page previews nicer

- Scroll to Widgets in the editor when selecting in Outline

- Showing many more OnPageLoad actions in the Specification

- Better conversion of nested layers from legacy files

- Unspecified Move To or Set Size values retain current value

- Fixed error starting Axure when using proxy authentication

- Fixed error starting on macOS

- Fixed error in Team Project while in the background

- Fixed autosave turning on in some situations when it shouldn’t

- Fixed hidden Dynamic Panel states showing during load

- Fixed many images increasing file size after import

- Fixed this.x/y on Masters

- Fixed showing context menu of Unplaced Widgets

- Fixed a few footnote location and size problems

- Fixed paste as plain text in notes

- Fixed some rendering on convert and break away edits

- Fixed HTML button rendering in Chrome

- Fixed Hot Spots links in Group triggering Ix and IE background

- Fixed moving Widgets under locked Widgets

- Fixed alignment on legacy Tables

- Fixed hitting enter on font and menu select lists

- Fixed error on Ctrl-C on a Panel State in the Outline

- Fixed clicking, renaming and selecting in Case Editor tree

- Fixed issues from redoing creation of nested Master

- Fixed multiple legacy loading and bad file issues

- Custom Shape fixes (shadow, line, arrows, transforms, borders, adaptive, drop)

- Connector fixes (moving, autosize, pen tool next, conversion errors)

- Group fixes (selection, editing, set size, move, focus, footnotes)

- Snapshot fixes (scroll to, raise event, set size)

- Repeater fixes (hint text, scroll, opacity, panels, padding, borders)

- Style fixes (page, deleted, create, update, padding, alignment, overrides)

- Typeface fixes (duplicate values, Arial Narrow Bold, Helvetica Neue, Roboto, Open Sans, Avenir)

- Team fixes (modified files, large project creation, check in many pages, notes)

- Print fixes (small output, print preview icon)

- Pinned fixes (boundaries, hide/show, 100%, scroll, set size, group)

- Licensing fixes (fixed some keys reading wrong)